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Besides, web apps collect data about users, websites collect cookies, marketing needs to understand the preferences and behavior of thousands of users, businesses require numbers to develop a strategy and move forward. Since businesses often have no idea how much they should pay for a website redesign and what to expect for their money, we've decided to answer that question once and for all. Knowing that developers make more money, you might be asking: is web design the career I want to pursue? You can still make a lot of money, especially if you dive into higher-paying fields like UI/UX design or mobile application design. A jack-of-all-trades web designer is common, not so much a skilled UX designer or mobile designer. Many of the skills required to be a designer or developer overlap, but much of what you do on a day-to-day basis is quite different. A website developer can easily detect what the problem is and why it is. So that you can relish a stress-free time while the task is going on. While web developers do generally make more on average, that’s no reason to throw out your dream career for something potentially incompatible. Developers work with complex programming languages to create sensible implementations of a design, while designers take a more visual approach, focusing on creating functional beauty.

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